The Atlas of U.S. and Canadian Environmental History
Routledge, 2003
Char Miller, Trinity University
The Atlas of U.S. and Canadian Environmental History offers a broad-ranging view of the United States's and Canada's environmental history, examining not only how humanity has transformed the environment, but also how the environment has influenced human behavior.
Beginning with the first European settlements and the ensuing transformation of wilderness into farmland, it progresses through the massive changes wrought by the Industrial Revolution, to the impact of ecological activism during the late twentieth century, and concludes in the new millennium with coverage of today's debates over globalization, pollution, and other issues.
A Pennsylvania School Librarians Association Best Reference Titles 2003
"Lavishly illustrated.... Highly recommended for young adult and adult collections."
Review Quotes
"Well-written. . . . The articles . . . all offer essential insights and are objective and carefully documented. . . . Lavishly illustrated. . . . [An] outstanding addition to environmental history. . . . Highly recommended. All readership levels." --Choice
"The most useful resource book that the field of environmental history has yet created. Combining exceptional vivid maps with relevant visuals, each well-focused essay is a gold mine of information.... It is a volume that each environmental professional and educator should make certain is contained in his or her library. This is the environmental history book that every Environmental Studies program should have in its library or available to its students in the program's library. It will mark an excellent starting point for student research projects.... The Atlas stands out as a tremendous resource for even the general readers and researcher. For environmental historians and professionals, this volume should become the first stop for finding quick answers or details, whether one is preparing a lecture, a political document, or beginning a research paper. Char miller has performed a superb service to the field." --Environmental History
"Written in clear and accessible language with superb illustrative material in vivid color, this unique resource is recommended for public, academic, and high school students in history and environmental studies" --Library Journal, September 2003
"A chronological arrangement demonstrates changing attitudes, policies and issues. The juxtaposition of Canadian and American experiences reveals striking contrasts and similarities between the two nations. Coverage predictably includes the impact of agriculture, the fur trade, industrial growth, mining and transportation changes. More surprising topics include the relocations of Native Americans, the rebirth of American forests, city beautification efforts and environmental justice...This provocative approach to North American history and public policy will serve high school, college and public library users." --Gale Reference Reviews, Lawrence Looks at Books, October 2003
For more information or to purchase, please visit the publisher’s site.